Your graduation day is a HUGE accomplishment, so you might as well celebrate. Make your graduation party a day to remember by using these tips to set your party apart.
Choose your date carefully.
For maximum attendance, select the day and time of your party carefully. If you want your friends and teachers to attend, try to choose a date that’s not the same day as the graduation. Instead, hold your graduation week—or weeks—later so you are the only party on that date.
Let people know where your party is at.
Beyond including the address in the invitations, make sure your guests know where your party is. Use balloons (like 8′ balloon numbers-nobody’ll miss them!) and signs to guide everyone to your location. Make sure your balloons or sign are a bright color to increase visibility, and watch your guests roll on in.
Choose a theme.
Your theme can be in line with your graduation colors or year, or as creative as a Hawaiian luau or a movie theme (think red carpet and outdoor movie). Choose food and decorations that play into your theme; if you want a really unique decoration, be sure to ask your vendor for ideas.
Be unique.
Don’t feel you have to do what everyone else is doing at their graduation party. Ask your vendor for unique decoration ideas that fit your budget. An expert décor vendor can suggest unique ideas that’ll leave a lasting impression on your guests. Apply the same creativity to your food and have fun foods that go beyond a beautiful cake.
Create a good first impression.
Set the scene for your graduation party by creating an entrance. Use balloon archways, huge sculptures, and balloon columns to leave your guests in awe—even before they step in to your party.
Get out the games.
You don’t have to strong arm your guests to play games at your graduation party, but at least give them the option. Pull out yard games for your youngest and most experienced guests; think corn hole, yard dice, bocce ball, gigantic Jenga, yard-sized tic tac toe.
Create a feature wall.
Draw your guests’ attention to your food table or photo table by creating a feature wall. Use bright decorations like balloon archways, bright and unique table coverings, or free-standing balloon columns (perfect for venues where you can’t attach décor to the walls).
Be unique with your photo board.
Make your photo board more than just another display by hanging photos of the graduate throughout the years on balloons, stuffed in your balloon centerpieces, on sticks in the centerpieces, or with clothespins on crisscrossed lines. For a more technology-savvy approach, use a (well-protected) computer with a montage of photos flashing across the screen. If you want to up the ante, have someone close to the graduate create an interactive quiz with questions about the guest of honor.
End the party with a bang.
Surprise your guests with fireworks or a bonfire at the end of your party, or let your guests know that you’ll be finishing your party with an outdoor movie or evening swim.
Have fun!
No more words needed. This is your big day. Enjoy it.